Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hasna Begum started her journey with $ 7

Hasna Begum is a housewife of Bangladesh. She hails from BSCIC area of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Her husband’s name is Rezaul Ahsan. The couple is bestowed with four children. Hasna’s eldest son has completed the graduation. Two daughters study in polytechnic institute and youngest son studies in class six. Hasna studied up to class ten. She got married with Rezaul Ahsan in 1985. She used to work before her marriage in a factory in BSCIC area of Rajshahi at monthly salary of meager Tk. 450 (about 7 US dollar). After the marriage, she dreamt to set up a factory.  

Hasna took training on making garments from Women Affairs Department in 1990. She started a factory with the initial capital of sixty thousand taka (about one thousand US dollar). At first, she had four hand-looms. She exhibited her products in local fairs. The demand of her products made her confident to go ahead. Now about 200 women are working in the factory of Hasna named ‘MP Fabrics’. Hasna provided training to her workers. Hasna also set up a poultry feed factory.

Hasna Begum took part in the trade fair in Kolkata through Women Chamber of Commerce & Industries in 2006. After returning from this fair, Hasna got a society named ‘ARC’ registered with Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau. Since then, she has been participating in fairs in different countries of the world. She has already taken part in the fairs of Nepal and different states of India including Kolkata, Assam and Goahati.

Hasna Begum is very busy. She has no time to sit idle. She conducts a training center from where she imparts training on different handicrafts to poor women of her locality. 130 women take training from her training center every year. She supplies thread and fabrics to these trained women.

Hasna Begum is an inspiration for women of Bangladesh as well as the world who want to stand on their own feet. Without the empowerment of women the development of a nation isn’t possible. The whole world is currently vocal for the economic emancipation of women. The women of developing countries face different difficulties to contribute to the economy of the country. Bangladesh is a poor developing country of South Asia. But the progress of Bangladesh in women empowerment is praiseworthy. The presence of women in different sectors of Bangladesh has been lauded by the developed nations. Different foreign NGOs are working in Bangladesh for empowering the women.

The government of Bangladesh is sincere to integrate women in the economic activities of country. Most of the workers of garment factories of Bangladesh are women. They immensely contribute to the economy of Bangladesh. There are a good number of women in Bangladesh as well as world like Hasna Begum who can change their fates as well as their families if they get proper opportunity. Women should give a congenial environment for their empowerment which is essential for the development of the globe.

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