Friday, June 26, 2015

Home remedies of basil leaves

* If one consumes five basil leaves everyday, it will keep him/her away from many diseases.

* If 2/3 cups of basil leaf sap are consumed in the morning in empty stomach, the physical strength, memory and personality will be enhanced.

* If 11 basil leaves is consumed mixing with 4 black peppers, malaria, fever etc will be cured.

* Basil leaves can effectively reduce and increase the body weight. It helps to make attractive figure.

* If some drops of basil leaf sap is mixed with salt and put it in the nose of an unconscious person, it will accelerate gaining consciousness.

* Basil leaf tea is effective to cure fever, flu and muscle pain.

* If 10 gm basil leaf sap is mixed with 5 gm honey and 5 gm black pepper and consume, it will cure asthma.

* If 5 basil leaves are eaten after taking lunch, it will help in digestion.

* If fresh basil leaves are put in water, it purifies water.

* If lukewarm basil leaf sap is applied in ear, it will alleviate earache.

* If basil leaf is consumed with 4/5 fried cloves, it will cure all kinds of coughs.

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